Sunday, April 26, 2009

These feet were made for walkin'

Lexi loves walking around with her little car. She actually took her first few steps today, without the car, but of course those were not on film.

Happy Easter

Easter was so fun. No captions... these pictures say a thousand words!

Black Eyes & Baseball

We've been a little busy lately, so we'll try to catch you up on everything going on at our house. A few weeks ago, Lexi as her usual curious self, opened up all the doors and drawers of our coffee table (a big wooden chest), then slipped down on on one and gave herself a big black eye. Even with a black eye, she's awfully cute!

Sam and Josh are in baseball this spring and are loving it. Mommy and Daddy are feeling a little crazy, since there are games 2-3 times a week. Sam is in Coach Pitch (the coach pitches to his team), and Josh is playing T-ball. So much fun!

Sam playing outfield


An Awesome Player

Josh is ready for a fly ball.

Watch out for Josh the Power-hitter!