Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Sparring Tournament

Josh participated in his first sparring tournament tonight and did great. Here's his last competition. He won two before this one, and was in the final four. He didn't win this last one - lost by just one point, and tied in several rounds with this opponent - who is a belt level above him and a few inches taller. Josh is awesome and we're so proud of him.

And did I mention that he reads at almost the 9th grade level. Not too bad for a seven year old in Second Grade! In fact, if you take Sam out of the running (who in 4th grade reads at a graduating HS senior grade level - the highest score on the test), Josh would be higher than any other student in Sam's 4th grade class! Very proud of these kids!

You can see how awesome Josh is in this video - he's the shorter one who is closest to the camera in case you can't tell.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hooligans 1 - Killer Bees 0

Very exciting soccer game last night. Sam missed the second half of last season with a broken ankle and just before this season he reinjured his ankle and was out the first two games. His first game back last night he scored the one and only goal! It was a great night for him.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Yellow Belt

This past week, Josh was tested for his yellow belt in his Kenpo Karate class. Josh loves karate and was very excited to be tested for the next belt. He just started in November, so this was his first belt test. The kids who were tested (13 out of the whole group of about 40 kids) had to "show their stuff" -- demonstrating several techniques they had been practicing, after a grueling workout. (The instructor is a retired Army Captain and he works them out!)

We are very proud of Josh for all his hard work in Karate and in school (hoping for a little more hard work at home and on the piano though :-)

Here's the video of his actual promotion - Josh is now a YELLOW BELT!