Sunday, March 1, 2009


Is it possible to make up for many weeks of neglecting your blog all in one day? We hope so...
Turn your head sideways and enjoy!


As you can see, Lexi has graduated from the "slither" to the "crawling on all fours, I mean THREES." If you notice, that one little leg sticks out like she's tip-toeing. Hopefully that doesn't mean she's getting ready to walk soon. We're so not ready!

Outside Fun

For those of you living in the snow and cold, we're sorry. Look at the beautiful weather you are missing in lovely Arizona. We are really enjoying the spring weather now, and later, we'll be enjoying the pool (it's way too cold to swim unless it's over 100 degrees :-).

Lexi really likes the back yard. She is especially fond of eating leaves. Good fiber, right?

She also likes to play basketball with her brothers. Tackle Basketball? As you see, it's her turn to get the ball. Watch out Sammy!


He shoots. He scores!

Can any of you spot the monkey in the tree? (As you may or may not know, Josh really is part monkey.)

Hope you all will come see us soon!

Rocket Science

This week, Sam's gifted class had an Aviation Adventure day. As part of the festivities, each participant made their own bottle rocket. Sam's had lots of fun designing his (so did his mommy) but unfortunately, although we followed the directions to a "T", the mouth of the bottle was too wide to fit well on the launcher. Sam tells us that although his rocket didn't fly all that well, all the kids thought his was the coolest! So, we have another rocket scientist in our midst (Alyssa, Sam wanted to make sure you knew that he, too, is a rocket scientist now.)

Wish us better flying next year!