Monday, August 24, 2009

All dressed up...

At just over a year old, our little girl already like to play dress up.
(She likes to pose for the camera, too!)

What to wear? The sparkley flips?

Mommy's tall shoes? (she puts all these by on herself!)

Brother's sandals?

Or, do you like my flipper?

Now, that I have my shoes, how about a hat?

I am so very stylish.

Ok, Mommy, I've got my shoes, my hat and my purse. Now I'm ready to go!

Back to School

School has been in session for a couple of weeks now, but Mommy is still getting used to being back on a schedule. Two boys were not very happy about the first "PHOTO OP" of school, although they actually love school. They both have great teachers and were lucky that their best friends are in their same classes again this year. Mommy will just have to get used to those early mornings once again.

Missing my brothers...

Now that the boys are off at school, it's just Mommy and Lexi. We are having fun together, but we sure miss our brothers!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Very Boring Volcano

So, we thought this would be a fun project to do over the summer.... you know, like that nice explosion on the Brady Bunch. Well, watch and be amazed, sort of. And check out those safety glasses.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Summer is almost over

Before it all fades away, here are a few more pics of summer...