Monday, August 24, 2009

All dressed up...

At just over a year old, our little girl already like to play dress up.
(She likes to pose for the camera, too!)

What to wear? The sparkley flips?

Mommy's tall shoes? (she puts all these by on herself!)

Brother's sandals?

Or, do you like my flipper?

Now, that I have my shoes, how about a hat?

I am so very stylish.

Ok, Mommy, I've got my shoes, my hat and my purse. Now I'm ready to go!


deeder6 said...

My little girl loves shoes too! Lexi is so cute!!!!!

Bev said...

That made me laugh! The hat really finished off the outfit well!

Tina said...

Such flashbacks of Riley, when she NEEDED to wear every shoe in the house.

Riley didn't ever have a hat quite like that though...

I just love these cute pictures!